Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Keep waiting

We just received an email from our family coordinator at AWAA.  We figured it was coming, but we got the official word today that wait times have been moved up to 11-18 months. We will be at 8 months this month on the 19th. Looks as though we will keep waiting on our little girl.

The good news is that MOWCYA is officially processing 15 letters a day now. That is up from the 5 a day that was set a few months ago. We are coming up on court closures very soon. Due to the rainy season Ethiopia closes it's courts for about 2 months. This will hopefully give the other offices time to get caught up. We are still hopefully we will receive our referral this year. Starting in January some of our paperwork will need to start being renewed. This is turning into quite the journey.

At the end of the day. God is good. God has perfect timing and He has the perfect little girl for our family.